Auto insurance is required in almost every state of the union, and you will typically find it nearly impossible to register or purchase a vehicle without it. We recommend that every motorist have the right auto insurance policy for their local laws to protect themselves and other drivers on the road.
Having the appropriate auto insurance policy doesn’t just mean you are complying with the law if you are in an accident. It can cover your own medical expenses if someone injures you, and it may also cover damage to your vehicle.
At Smart Insurance, we love to educate all of our customers about auto insurance and the financial stability it can bring to you. Let’s talk a little more about the different components of auto insurance you may wish to purchase:
Liability insurance: This is the insurance that most states require motorists to carry at a minimum. If someone is hurt in another vehicle in an accident for which you are found to be at fault, this type of insurance covers their medical and other expenses, as well as any property damages.
No-fault liability insurance: Regardless of who is at fault in an accident, this type of policy protects you and passengers in your vehicle. It’s ideal if an uninsured motorist hits you.
Collision insurance: This is insurance for your vehicle if it is damaged or totaled in an accident. The idea is to get your vehicle repaired or replaced quickly and with a minimum of bother for you, so you can get back to your normal life.
Comprehensive auto insurance: Many people add this type of coverage to protect them if their car is vandalized, stolen, or damaged by disasters like hurricanes, floods, or fires.
Extra coverage: You may elect to purchase this additional coverage to pay for legal expenses should you be involved in a lawsuit, including those related to loss of life in your vehicle or that of another party.
We always work with our customers in Abilene, Kansas to find the right policy for their driving needs, as well as for their budget. As independent agents, we have access to many insurance products and can custom-make an auto insurance package for you.
In many cases, your deductible, which is the amount you pay out of pocket in a claim before your insurance takes effect, can be raised to lower your premium (the amount you pay for the policy). Or, you can usually pay more with your premium and lower your deductible.
We’ll ask a few important questions to help find the appropriate policy for you:
What is the make, model, and year of your vehicle?
Who will be driving the vehicle, and what is their driving history?
Where do you typically drive (work commute, errands, trips, etc.)?
Do you have financing on the vehicle?
Where is the vehicle parked or garaged?
Once we know these specifics, we can give you some options to work with.
Want to learn more about auto insurance or purchase a policy? Give us a call at 800-249-1920. Or feel free to reach out online for information.
Don’t risk driving without being in compliance with the law or leaving your vehicle uncovered. Get in touch today.